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  • The Missing Piece in Performance Development

    In recent years, organizations have begun to prioritize processes for improving future performance over evaluating employees’ past efforts. Yearly development objectives and annual reviews are being replaced by real-time feedback delivered directly by line managers. Although this shift holds much promise, it risks bumping up against some hard realities — namely, the ability of line managers to help employees develop. In reality, many managers aren’t confident they can change employee behavior.


  • The Question Every Executive Should Ask

    Gone are the days of centralized control of information and decision-making within organizations. With information now widely distributed among employees, Kaiser Permanente CEO Bernard J. Tyson says today’s executives face a critical question: “How do I charge up the organization so that we’re maximizing the intellects of all of our people?”


  • The Most Underrated Skill in Management

    Few questions in business are more powerful than “What problem are you trying to solve?” Leaders who can formulate clear problem statements get more done with less effort and move more rapidly than their less-focused counterparts. But stopping to ask this question doesn’t come naturally — managers must put conscious effort into learning a structured approach.


  • The Corporate Implications of Longer Lives

    People are living and working longer — but companies are unprepared for the implications of that.


  • Winning the Digital War for Talent

    Talent management processes need a digital update, too.


  • Creating Management Processes Built for Change

    Your business may have processes that work now. Does it have agile processes to help it change?


  • Rethinking the Manager's Role

    No, software will not render managers obsolete, but you will need to be more skilled than ever before.


  • Is Your Company Ready to Operate as a Market?

    Traditional hierarchies are giving way to market forms of organizing that will recast the role of management.


  • Stop Jumping to Solutions!

    To get the best results from a decision matrix, managers should expand the options used to frame it.


  • The Lost Art of Thinking in Large Organizations

    A focus on execution is undermining managers' ability to develop strategy and leadership skills.
