Businesses must thoroughly evaluate the risk of deploying a new technology to avoid reputational and financial damage.
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Why You Should Tap Innovation at Deep-Tech Startups
Learn how deep-tech startups in materials, biology, energy, and computing can help enterprise innovation efforts.
The Three Traps That Stymie Reinvention
Successful growth in new sectors requires balancing support for the core business with investment in radical innovation.
Beating 'Not Invented Here' Syndrome
To get employees with not-invented-here syndrome to open up to new ideas, companies may have to incentivize or push them.
Three Questions to Ask About Your Digital Strategy
Digital disruption is not always an organization’s best option. Here’s how to decide whether to disrupt or adapt.
Engineer Your Own Luck
No one can predict the future, but modularizing core capabilities can prepare companies to be ready for the unexpected.
Innovation Systems: Advancing Practices to Create New Value
As technology transforms the global business landscape, companies need to examine and update their internal processes for innovation to keep pace.
Why Territorial Managers Stifle Innovation — and What to Do About It
Insecure managers who feel threatened by subordinates who have innovative ideas need incentives to change their behavior.
Job Crafting (Management on the Cutting Edge)
A practical and timely guide that shows employees how to craft the jobs they want and managers how to shape their organizations in ways that are conducive to such job crafting.
Serve More Customers With Inclusive Product Design
Leaders can promote more inclusive product design by asking a simple set of questions about potential target markets.