The FCPA helps U.S. companies resist corruption globally. Suspending enforcement harms business interests and ethics.
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How to Strategize in an Out-of-Control World
In a time of political disruption, leaders must learn to recognize, manage, and respond to the resulting business risks.
Break Down Silos for Visibility Into Enterprise Risk
Leaders must tackle both cultural and technology issues to gain a more comprehensive view of risk organization wide.
Consumers Are Gaining the Right to Repair — Are You Ready?
Consumer ire over vendor restrictions are leading to new right-to-repair laws in many jurisdictions.
How Chinese Companies Expand Globally Despite Headwinds
Chinese companies’ place-based strategies for international expansion offer lessons for businesses worldwide.
Generate Value from Gen AI With "Small t” Transformations
Companies are getting real value from generative AI today and building for future transformation by managing risk.
Turbocharging Organizational Learning With GenAI
Generative AI can greatly enhance organizational learning, but using it successfully requires the right mindset.
Improve Workflows by Managing Bottlenecks
Learn how to design work systems and resource portfolios to address bottlenecks that affect company performance.
Ask Sanyin: How Do You Build for an Unpredictable Future?
Wise leaders live with the discomfort of uncertainty and focus on horizon scanning and preparing for a range of options.
How to Sabotage Your Board
Here’s how to spot — and stop — some of the best ways to prevent a board of directors from functioning effectively.