Frequently Asked Questions
How much do products cost?
Please see our pricing page for more information.
How do I get permission to copy an article(s)?
You can order permission to make copies by finding the article(s) on our site ( and selecting the "buy" option. Pricing to make or distribute copies starts at $5.50 per copy.
I bought an article, but I'm not able to open the PDF link. What is wrong?
You will need the most current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view our PDFs. You can download this directly through the Adobe website. You may also need to upgrade your browser software (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, etc.) for the Reader to launch properly from the download link.
Other ways to troubleshoot this problem are:
- Clear your browser's cache or temporary internet files folder.
- Save the PDF to your computer, and then open the file.
- Open the Adobe Reader software first, then open the PDF document you downloaded.
If you close the "Thank You" page on which the download link displays, you will not be able to download the PDF from your browser. However, you will receive an e-mail receipt displaying the same download link.
Can I distribute PDFs via e-mail?
You can order permission to make copies by finding the article(s) on our site ( and selecting the "buy" option. The copyright fee applies to each copy that you email. Pricing to distribute copies starts at $5.50 per copy. When transmitting electronically, you must inform each recipient that MIT SMR's material is copyrighted, and no further reproduction or distribution can be made without the express written consent of MIT Sloan Management Review.
Can I post your articles on my company's website?
You may summarize and post links to MIT SMR articles. Posting the full text of our articles is allowed only on secure, password-protected intranet sites — the permission fee is determined by the number of people accessing the article. Posting MIT SMR's material on publicly-accessible internet sites violates copyright law.
How do I get permission to use an article in a book?
You can order book permissions by emailing with the information below. Pricing is based on the book’s print run and starts at $500.
- Title of book / magazine (may need a sample if new publication)
- Author(s) / editor(s)
- Publication date / issue date
- Print run / circulation size
- Title(s) of MIT SMR article(s) — not to exceed two
- Requestor's address, including billing contact
Payment is due upon the book's publication date.
I bought a PDF. I keep getting an error message saying that I have exceeded the download limit. What is this?
For security reasons, the PDF link has an imposed limit which only allows you to access the article for a period of four days from the time of purchase. It is also important that you single-click on the link to download the article, and save it to your computer at the time of purchase for future reading. By doing this, you will also avoid exceeding the maximum number of clicks on the download link.
Why do I get an error message when entering my credit card information?
Payment processing errors can occur for several reasons. Here are some common problems:
- You entered a ZIP code in your shopping cart which is different from the ZIP code on your customer information screen. Please note that the ZIP code field in the shopping cart is related to the shipping address. If you enter a different ZIP code in the customer checkout screen, you will receive an error.
- Always click on the "Update" button in the shopping cart when making changes to the ZIP code and shipping method (if applicable).
- Make sure that the ZIP codes are the same, and be sure to check the box in the customer checkout screen. If not the same, fill in the appropriate information on the customer checkout screen.
- You incorrectly entered your credit card number, expiration date or name on the credit card.
- If using a corporate purchasing card, there may be restrictions on the card that prevent you from transacting with an academic institution. Please check with your institution's purchasing card administrator to rectify this problem, or use a different credit card.
Can you offer custom reprints with my company's logo?
Yes. We are more than happy to assist you in developing a custom reprint for your company function or presentation. Please contact Customer Service at 617-253-7170 or e-mail us for more information.
Can I purchase a back issue?
Yes. We do not stock every issue, so availability is limited. You can find available issues by searching the magazine archives. You can then click on the given issue/date and purchase the issue you want.