Achieving reductions in industrial greenhouse gas emissions requires close attention to partners in the value chain.
Social Responsibility
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How Businesses Can Help Safeguard Human Rights
Globalization has brought millions of workers into the moneyed economy. Business’s responsibility is to protect them.
How Ukrainian Companies Are Transforming Wartime Challenges Into Lifelines
Four examples highlight the pivotal role that corporate social responsibility can play during a national crisis.
Make a Stronger Business Case for Sustainability
Sustainability initiatives can be profitable if managers think creatively about pricing, market demand, and costs.
How the 2024 Paris Olympics Fast-Tracked Decarbonization
Learn from the fast-paced decarbonization effort led by the 2024 Paris Olympics sustainability team.
Find a Circular Strategy to Fit Your Business Model
Taking a whole-life cycle perspective on products enables companies to get more value from materials and resources and do better on sustainability measures.
Sustainable Strategy: Rightsizing Goals and Assessing Impact
As climate change looms large, business leaders can — and must — take practical steps to limit their companies’ impacts on the global environment.
Why Companies Need to Lobby for Climate Policy
Companies serious about sustainability need to make a business case for investing in lobbying to advance climate policy.
Doubling Down on Impact Reporting
Many U.S. companies will soon have to follow EU sustainability reporting mandates — and contend with double materiality.
Set Ambitious but Realistic Environmental Goals
Business leaders need to set interim targets judiciously to get early wins and build momentum for sustainability goals.