The current approach to measuring patent quality is not serving the world's patent systems.
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Why Innovations Are Arguments
Too many executives confuse what an innovation is with what an innovation would do for them if they had one.
The Age of the Consumer-Innovator
Consumers generate massive amounts of product innovation — which has significant implications for new product development.
The User Innovation Revolution
According to von Hippel, users are often the first source of new products.
How Quality Drives the Rise and Fall of High-Tech Products
While network effects do affect market share flows, quality prevails.
Is Your Company Choosing the Best Innovation Ideas?
Generating good innovation proposals from within the ranks of the organization is only the beginning. The more difficult part is creating a selection process that identifies which ideas to implement.
The 5 Myths of Innovation
Increasingly, innovation is being applied to the development of new service offerings, business models, pricing plans and management practices.
How to Develop a Successful Technology Licensing Program
Six practices can help companies implement licensing as part of an open innovation strategy.
Putting the Science in Management Science
MIT's Andrew McAfee says that evolving technology and the data deluge can enable companies to act smarter.
Rethinking Management
In his book “Reinventing Management,” Julian Birkinshaw urges businesspeople to give more thought to management models.