Fitting Social Media Into Your Strategy
How are organizations using social media most effectively? This collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review examines the value of devising a clear strategy, offering incentives for participants, and preparing for social media disasters.
Articles included in this collection:
Twitter Is Not the Echo Chamber We Think It Is
By Jesse Shore, Jiye Baek, and Chrysanthos Dellarocas
Beyond Viral: Generating Sustainable Value From Social Media
By Manuel Cebrian, Iyad Rahwan, and Alex “Sandy” Pentland
When Employees Don’t ‘Like’ Their Employers on Social Media
By Marie-Cécile Cervellon and Pamela Lirio
Turning Content Viewers Into Subscribers
By Lior Zalmanson and Gal Oestreicher-Singer
Finding the Right Role for Social Media in Innovation
By Deborah L. Roberts and Frank T. Piller
Customizing Your Social Strategy to the Platform
By Tucker J. Marion, Deborah Roberts, Marina Candi, and Gloria Barczak
How to Avoid a Social Media Fiasco
By Gerald C. Kane